The 2024 Annual General Meeting is scheduled for



Open to all parents/guardians of kids registered for minor baseball in 2024.

Elections will be held for the following positions:

Registration/Player Agent
Equipment Manager
Sponsorship Coordinator

In addition to the elections, we will be voting on some changes to the bylaws. 
Please review the following bylaw suggestions that are being proposed
which are mostly focused on cleaning up some ambiguity in the current bylaws.

2024 Bylaw Amendment suggestions

Reasons for changes are listed in purple. Current bylaw wording in black with words removed crossed out and new additions highlighted.

  1. Part III - Officers - section 1A
    • remove the date references as they will be referenced later in the Meetings section
    • include that directors assume office at the end of the AGM.  I looked at the Minor Hockey bylaws and didn't see anything that indicated when terms started or ended

The Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting of the Association, to be held during the month of November, for a term not exceeding two years, and shall be eligible for immediate re-election. The Board of Directors shall assume office on December 1st of the year in which they are elected immediately following the conclusion of the general meeting.

  1. Part III - Officers - section 1E
    • added a sentence that indicates which offices will be elected in odd or even numbered years

The terms of the directors shall be staggered so that approximately one half of the directors shall be elected in any year.  The President, Treasurer, Umpire-in-Chief, Uniform Manager and Coach Coordinator shall be elected in odd numbered years.  The Vice-President, Secretary, Registration/Player Agent, Equipment Manager and Sponsorship Coordinator shall be elected in even numbered years.

  1. Part III - Officers - section 4
    • condense section A & B into one paragraph to keep it cleaner

If a vacancy occurs on the Board, the Board may appoint a member as a Director or Officer to fill the vacancy.  A director so appointed holds office only until the conclusion of that term but is eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. 

  1. If a vacancy occurs on the Board, the Board may appoint a member as a Director or Officer to fill the vacancy.
  2. A director so appointed holds office only until the conclusion of that term but is eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
  1. Part III - Officers - section 5
    • added wording to be clear that the President becomes past-president if choosing to not run again for the board.  Without that wording it seemed like a President could only serve one term which I don't believe we want to limit 

The President choosing not to seek re-election shall become the immediate Past-President, with Board voting privileges, upon completion of an elected term of office.

  1. Part V - Meetings - section 1
    • added information similar to Minor Hockey about the AGM being on the 15th of October or earlier

The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year on or before the 15th day of October each year at a time and place, in accordance with the Society Act, that the directors shall decide.

  1. Part VII - Finances - section 2
    • edited dates for fiscal year

The fiscal year of the Association shall be December 1St to November 30th November 1st to October 31st.